

7 Things Brionna Knows For Sure (a la Oprah)

7 Things Brionna Knows For Sure (a la Oprah)

I found Oprah Winfrey’s “What I Know for Sure” while working at The Meredith Vieira Show at NBC. I’ve been an Oprah fan for as long as I can remember—her Legend’s Ball special is still one of my all-time favorite pieces of television. 

What’s endured the most about Oprah’s legacy beyond her net worth and empire, is how she makes her audience feel. Her community has a true heartbeat—a group of people who hang on her every word, and would set their clocks by her show every day. One of my chores growing up was recording the Oprah Winfrey Show on the VCR after school! VCR tapes haphazardly labeled with dates and episode names fill the TV cabinet of my memory.

 “What I Know for Sure” is a collection of life lessons Oprah has gleaned over the years.  In this week's episode episode, I share my favorite parts from the book, and the 7 things I know for sure, as I approach my 26th birthday.

In this week's episode, I share my favorite parts from the book, and the 7 things I know for sure, as I approach my 26th birthday.

Oprah on Gratitude

Oprah on Connection

Bri Books Podcast Oprah

It’s incredibly easy for forget to be grateful when you’re in the midst of uncertainty and overwhelm. I’m grateful I have a job I believe in enough that I care so deeply about it, I’m grateful that I’m concerned about trivial things. Being grateful for the climb is the ultimate form of gratitude. I have to remind myself everyone’s mountain is different and everyone’s climb is different. We all have these mountains, and it’s just about being grateful and allowing yourself to be grateful that you have something that’s yours.

On the heels of Founder and CEO of curlBox Myleik Teele’s podcast episode titled “Now That I’m 30+, What I Know For Sure,” I’ve put together a list of 7 without-a-doubt facts I’ve discovered in this young life. Here’s what Brionna knows for sure.

 1.     I know for sure that I’m new here and I have to give myself grace. Let’s do some quick math: I’ve been on the planet for 25 years, and for 18 out of those 25 years, I’ve been in someone’s classroom or living in someone’s home, following someone’s orders. I’ve been working full-time for just over 3 years, and I’m constantly on teams and in rooms with people who have been working at a single company for longer than I’ve been alive. I can’t compare my 3rd year as a working woman to someone else’s 13th year! I’m 25! I’ve been doing this adulating thing for just 36 months! That means I have to be kind and gentle with myself. Yes, I’m shooting for the moon, but the Brionna Rocket takes time to assemble, and there’s no substitute for time. “Giving yourself time to just be is essential to fulfilling your mission as a human being.”

2.     I know for sure that the money will come. I just listened to Joblogues featuring Darian Symone Harvin of AIATLA chatting about creating a healthy money mentality in an environment where chasing the dollar is glorified. If I zero-in on creating quality content and being of service across the board while also advocating for my worth, I know that money will follow. Oprah says, “Having the best things is no substitute for having the best life. When you can let go of the desire to acquire, you know you’re really on your way.” This means for me to let go of desire to acquire money and let it come because what I’m doing is of value.

3.     I know for sure that things will change. This truth is no realer than when I’m thumbing through old journals, remembering my past concerns, victories, woes, and prayers. It’s a constant reminder that Myleik Teele’s words hold true: “God/ the universe will make good on His promises.” That means everything that’s supposed to happen to and for me will happen. It’s important to remind myself that there’s nothing I can do that will take me off the course that was designed for me.

4.     I know for sure that I need to take care of this one body! Everything from making good friendships to exercising regularly to being creative and happy! If I’m a mess, I won’t be of service to anyone, let alone myself.

5.     What I know for sure is that all the lights won’t be green at the same time! I talked about this in episode about Do Less Get More—not everything will be perfect at the exact same time, but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t take action. It doesn’t have to be perfect for me to make a choice.

6.     I know for sure that I need a change of scenery, and often! Whether it’s going up to the Cloisters, or booking a vacation months in advance, I need to have something to look forward to that involves moving my body.

7.     I know I’m much too smart to be the only thing in my way! Myleik posted a Snapchat months ago reading, “You’re too smart to be the only thing in your way.” If there’s something in my power I can do, I should do it, because I don’t want to be the reason I fail. If I fail, I don’t want it to be because I chose not to act. “The true meaning of courage is to be afraid, and then, with your knees knocking, to step out anyway.”

I recommend this book! What I loved is that it’s not rushed. These are stories that she struggled with for decades. And she’s come to a place where she can state these as facts. It’s called “What I Know for Sure," not "20 Things I Learned in 2016." That level of authority is warranted, and, you guessed it, only comes with time. 

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